4 Quotes & Sayings By Amy Smith

Amy Smith is a behavioral scientist with a passion for writing. She never thought she would have the opportunity to write books, but being able to share her knowledge and ideas is one of the greatest privileges of her life. With an extensive background in behavioral science and more than a decade of experience as a behavior consultant, Amy shares insight on how to use behavioral science to reach your goals.

Sence and Sensibility, for instance, came out in three separate volumes, as did Pride and Prejudice (so the next time you read one of the ubiquitous time-travel Austen adaptations and somebody picks up a single-volume first edition, you can hit your nerd buzzer and say "wrong! "). Amy Smith
I don't fear death-- I fear dying before I've read Dickens end to end. Amy Smith
There's a mathematics to nesting, I'm sure, that explains how length of stay + space available = accumulating way too much stuff. Amy Smith